
1. Itis important for everyone to learnEnglish well in our rapidly developing world. 在这个迅速发展的世界里,对每个人来说学好英语都是非常重要的。 [额外成就感] 同样句型包括:I...

1. as is known /as it is known to all 众所周知 … 2. with the pace of modern life increasing 随着现代生活步伐的加快 …. 3. with the development of modern society 随着现代社会的发展 … 4. personally I ’m in favor of the former/latter view 我个人偏...

中国网北京6月25日讯 上午,北京中考英语科目考试结束,对于今年英语试卷的特点,教育考试院的专家表示,既秉承前几年的优秀做法和经验,又结合新形势下对教育改革的新要求,在传承中推进,在创新中发展,一步一个台阶地落实考试评价改革的思想,把对国家大政方针的理解融入试...

12) On the whole, it is high time that every one should do… 13) As a result, we should take some effective steps to … 14) Judging by the figures / statistics, it is not d...

Aim high and look far, be alert to dangers even in times of calm. ④全面从严治党 Seeing Party self-governance exercised fully and with rigor. ⑤坚持反腐败无禁区、全覆盖、零...

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